These pups are Experts At Woof

Happy National Take Your Dog to Work day! Today we wanted to briefly share a few interesting facts on pets in the workplace. According to a Master of Science in Applied Psychology study:

  •  Improves Work-Life Balance. You and your pup need to stretch your legs a little throughout the day, sitting too long can negatively impact your health. 
  • Pets have calming effects, reduce blood pressure, lower stress, and make employees more productive and positive overall.
  • The Human Animal Bond Research Initiative (HABRI) found that pet ownership is responsible for saving $11.7 billion yearly. 132.8 million pet owners save $11.37 billion on physician office visits, while 20 million owners who walk their pets 5 times a week show lower obesity and save $419 million in healthcare.

Jimmy, Maggie and Marley have a quick touchdown meeting at the Milwaukee Office.

Over at the Madison Office, Manny says it’s ruff being the first one to a meeting.